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Anomalous Research


Celebrating the republication of this classic of UFO research with a new cover this is on sale for a limited time!

20% off the list price!

Reveal Nothing

A Forensic Investigation of a UFO Encounter

"Reveal nothing . . . Orders . . . Orders . . ."

The year was 1974.  Deep in hypnosis John Williams was reliving an abduction by a UFO and its occupants, yet unlike so many other encounters John's experience was very different.  Over and over the 'order' to 'reveal nothing' blocked him from remembering all but the beginning of his encounter.  However, in deep hypnotic regression the grip of this 'order' loosened.  Slowly he began recalling specific information about the visitors and their purpose for being here.


It wasn't until the 1990's that Linda Wisner listened to the recordings of the hypnotic sessions for the first time.  The implications of what she heard was so profound that she felt the account had to be looked into further.  

Recorded long before the wave of highly published UFO abductions of resent years, this account was unique.  The witness didn't describe the usual 'medical examination' and other phenomena frequently reported.  Rather, under hypnosis, minute details about the vehicle, the beings and perhaps more importantly the specifics of data given to the witness by the visitors came forward.  

Together, Linda Wisner and her husband, Forensic Hypnotist Kerry Wisner, examined each aspect of this account searching for evidence.

When the recordings were made many of the concepts described were unheard of to modern science.  Now, decades later, scientific discoveries are beginning to confirm many of these as fact!  

In this account the primary witness revealed information surrounding alien involvment with:

  • Genetic Engineering;

  • Cloning;

  • Dark Matter;

  • The shifting of the Earth's magnetic poles;

  • The origins and evolution of the human race, and more!

In addition, John was told of the aliens' long interest and influence on human society, including the placement of members of their species in positions of power in our world, both in the past and today!

Supported by a second witness' independent testimony, polygraph reports, the testimony of doctors and therapists, as well as corroborative evidence and research from a number of scientific journals, this work is a compelling look at a phenomena that holds enormous implications for humanity.

"Very suspenseful!" - Betty Hill (UFO abductee - "The Interrupted Journey")

Update for the 2020 edition

In 2016 "John", the primary witness to this sighting, passed on.  We had hoped to have the opportunity to hypnotize him in a clinical setting in an effort to retrieve more information. Unfortunately this opportunity never arose.

Throughout his life he never wavered from the accuracy of the account. Because of the unusual nature of this event he did often wondered aloud about the meaning of the information he was given. It affected him deeply influencing virtually all aspects of his life.  

The tapes, drawings, polygraph report and second witness statement all remain as evidence for the event and the information the visitors had imparted.


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Reveal Nothing

A Forensic Investigation of a UFO Encounter

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